economic recovery

The Shape of Economic Recovery

On June 8, 2020, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), which has official responsibility for determining U.S. business cycles, announced that February 2020 marked the end of an expansion that began in 2009 and the beginning of a recession.1 This was no great surprise considering widespread business closures due to the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting spike in unemployment, but it was an unusually…

COVID-19 Cure

Think Twice Before Speculating on a COVID-19 Cure

As hundreds of companies race to develop vaccines and drug therapies that could help end the COVID-19 pandemic, news reports on successful or failed trials affect individual stock prices and can trigger swings in the broader market.1 Understandably, this highly contagious virus — and its severe economic repercussions — has a knack for stirring up…

EQ + IQ = MQ | Money Quotient Training and Tools

In late February, Brenna gathered with a dozen other CFP® professionals for a three-day training in financial life planning, courtesy of Money Quotient.   Financial life planning is defined as a process of: –          Helping people focus on the true values and motivations in their lives; –          Determining the goals and objects they have as…