The H Group - Independent Wealth Management Solutions - Certified Financial Planning - Salem Oregon

The Rise of Cryptocurrencies

Last month, our team of financial advisors wrote about cryptocurrencies and bitcoins. We gave you an overview on the mysterious investment and highlighted some of the dangers. Today, cryptocurrencies are making headlines again. With exponential gains in bitcoins dollar price (currently over $18,000 per unit), coupled by the rollout of a futures market for the currency,…

Inside the Federal Reserve Board

The Federal Reserve Board can seem mysterious. With signs of the stimulus program unwinding and the recent nomination of Jerome Powell to replace Janet Yellen next year as chair of the board, there’s renewed interest in unpacking this opaque government entity. Our team of Certified Financial Planners want to share a little education with you…

Quarterly Commentary | Q3 2017

The long‐awaited fall is finally upon us. We are pleased to present our review of the third quarter of 2017. Once again, it’s been a good quarter for stocks, except for some rough patches during August. The past 12 months have been good too, especially for domestic and foreign equities. It’s been a tough year…