2024 Q4 Team Update
In September, Larry and Laurie celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary with a golf trip to Bend. While the golfing was good and the courses were in beautiful condition, the highlight of the trip had to be their dinner at Bos Taurus. The food was amazing and the service was simply incredible. Truly one of, if not the best, overall dining experiences they’ve had. Laurie continues to participate in the Rivercity Rock Star Academy and her next performance is this Sunday, December 8th at The Yard Food Court at 3:00 p.m.
Fall is one of Katherine’s favorite times of the year. She and Quill have taken several walks enjoying the change in colors, the cooler temperatures, and the crunching of leaves. Katherine‘s mom has been in memory care and hospice for a few months. She is much like the Energizer Bunny – she “keeps going and going and going.” Katherine was able to visit her mom with a few of her siblings during the Thanksgiving holiday. It was a very sweet time for all.

Katie Martin Hewitt married her sweetheart, Steve!
Katie Martin Hewitt married her sweetheart, Steve! November 9th was the big day, and the office family was able to attend. Steve and Katie spent some time up at Mt. Hood the next week. Other activities for this fall included jam-making, baking, home reorganization, and visiting Steve’s kids in Medford. Many miles will be driven over the next few months as a grandbaby will be born in mid-December! Katie is studying for her Certified Financial Planner certification and is focused on putting together financial plans for clients.
Eric traveled with his family to the East Coast in early September. The main reason for the trip was an incredible wedding with family and friends! They enjoyed visiting the Hampton Seafood Festival and eating crab pizza, and lobster grilled cheese, but saw no ‘shrimp on the barbie.’ They were able to ride bikes around Peak’s Island, visit the Famous Fenway Park to watch the Red Sox play against the Orioles, and spend time walking around BoothBay’s Botanical Gardens. Talks are in the works for a Northeast cruise!
Out and About:
In September, Eric and Amy, Katie and Steve attended the Marion Polk Food Share Fundraiser Auction at The Oregon Gardens. This beautiful event raised money for MPFS in their mission to help individuals and families facing food insecurity in our communities. All the food for the event was locally sourced as well. In November, the team attended the Boys and Girls Club Rivalry Auction – which pits Ducks and Beavers fans against each other in competition to raise money for the kids. The H Group team was balanced in their alignment with local teams. Katherine won an event game and took home an electric bicycle. Much fun was had with friends and family.